Art and Crafts Collection


Ornate Green Headdress
Ornate Green Headdress
Featured in the Belize Pavilion at the 2016 Jazz Fest. Carnival costume designer David Matus has been involved with Belize"'s Carnival for over eighteen years, and has created countless costume designs to represent Belize both locally and internationally. After working with one of Belize"'s best known bands, Cultural Heritage Carnival Band, he decided to venture out on his own, and launched Legacy Junior Carnival band, which paraded in Belize Carnival until 2004. David has participated in several voluntary costume design workshops in Trinidad and Tobago, and in London. In 2013, David joined the costume team for London"'s Carnival and worked with one of Europe"'s leading carnival Bands, Masquerade 2000, also known as M2K. He has since returned home to Belize where he continues to add color to the streets of Belize with his elaborate costumes. In 2014 he was named Senior Designer of the year for Belize Carnival. He is presently the Lead Costume Designer and Vice President of Titans Mas band, winners of Belize Carnival King and Queen Competition in 2015. When speaking of his inspirations for costume making, David stated, "Make each day your masterpiece. We do not remember days, we remember moments."
Ox Heart Basket
Ox Heart Basket
Chitimacha basket, Broken plaits pattern (Kaastp Toi)
Paper Mache Skull
Paper Mache Skull
Papier Mache skull for Dia de los Muertos display
Pen and Ink Caricature drawing
Pen and Ink Caricature drawing
Caricature drawing of Shanna Hudson-Stowe and Rachel Lyons


